Meaning to take interest in what I'm doing all day in the woodshed, my husband often asks: How much did you write today? Tough to answer. If a 70,000-word novel takes ten years to write, that's an average of 19 or so words a day – net. But that doesn't mean I only wrote 19 words a day. I wrote pages and pages of longhand, but most of it was background sketches for characters, noodling through a possible subplot that was later discarded, or revising a section already revised a dozen times.
All this is leading up to an explanation for my progress report for this week. How much progress did I make on Clara II? I eliminated one character from the last half of the book, invented a new back-story for one of the characters in the second half of the book – and cut 39 pages out of the first 141. I hope I can look back on this week and say that was a good thing.
Sounds like a productive week to me. Good luck with the writing, Carole!